Last Updated on July 27, 2021 by

 Executive Summary

  • Information technology is often presented that the The states was the predominant slave nation in history.
  • How many full slaves were sent to the The states?

*I seem to get this question around once per week; therefore, I will reply information technology here. The 3% of slaves transported from Africa to the US came from the W Coast of Africa, which is modern-day Senegal, Sierra Leone, the Ivory Coast, Gambia, Republic of guinea Bissau, and Equatorial Guinea. The reason for this was the slave traders were looking for the shortest route from Africa to the US.

Come across our references for this article and other related manufactures at this link.


This article will track where African slaves were sent from the ancestry of African slavery outside of sub-Saharan African slavery.

From the source Slavery Site, the best online records I could notice, I accept created the post-obit table, which shows where African slaves were sent.

As tin can be seen, from the table, the vast majority of slaves transported during the entirety of the Atlantic Slave Merchandise did not get to the territory that is at present the Us. The Atlantic Slave Trade began in roughly 1500, and the Us did not gain independence from Uk until 1776.

This is documented in the table below:

*This 80 One thousand thousand figure from Atlanta Black Star (this number is also contested. Previously the site reported a significantly college effigy, but the site that supplied that figure is no longer active. At 1200 years of active slave trading, lxxx 1000000 only comes to 66,666 slaves taken per twelvemonth. And retrieve that with such a high loss rate, 66,666 slaves transported would have only delivered around 10,000 slaves. For an activity to go along for 1200 years and merely deliver ten,000 slaves, information technology seems quite depression. Arab sources practise not gauge the number of slaves, and European sources are so politically correct that they understate the number of slaves. Some estimates are at around xx,000,000. Just this would simply have delivered 2,500 slaves per year (following the math from above).

How is Your Knowledge of Slavery Geography?



  • The US received roughly 3% of all slaves from the Atlantic Slave Merchandise, which was the entirety of the Us involvement in slavery.
  • While the Us received .002% of all of the recorded slaves transported from Africa.
  • If slavery was not the stereotype of whites enslaving blacks that it is not considered noteworthy.
  • Any group tin enslave another group, but it volition not be noteworthy unless the group holding the slaves is white.

Focusing Primarily on a Small-scale Category of Slavery from Over 100 Years Agone

Finally, this focus on the Transatlantic Slave Trade and the fetishization of white on black slavery blinds u.s.a. to the fact that slavery is all the same with us. Co-ordinate to the Global Slavery Index, there are 46 million slaves in the world before long.

This is the GSI'south index of slavery. The strongest regions of slavery are non those countries that were part of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Still, slavery is still a massive trouble in Africa and the Center East and in India. But the slavery that is a focus is the slavery of several hundred years ago, and the to the lowest degree consequential slavery (numerically at to the lowest degree), which is whites owning blacks.

The Reality of Slavery

People that like to use slavery equally a backstop for anti-white arguments do not want you lot to watch this video.

The Response from Some Blacks to the Commodity

We received feedback from some blacks that they did not similar this article because of two reasons.

Reason #ane: Africans Were Part of the Slave Trade

This article proposed that Africans were part of slavery — and they would similar it if the focus of slavery is where information technology belongs, which is only on white participation. According to this line of reasoning, when blacks or Africans are involved in slavery information technology is politically incorrect to cover this fact. And we accept been asked to not write near this.

Reason #2: Non Whites Owned Slaves

This commodity proposed that but a small-scale fraction of slaves from the Transatlantic Slave Trade were sent to the The states. We have been told that focusing on the other 97% of slaves sent to S America and Brazil diminishes the slaves that were sent to the Us. Secondly, the greatest slave owners of blacks in history were Arabs. Furthermore, it does not aid the cause for "racial justice" considering it means that not-whites were involved in slavery. The simply BLM approved messaging is that 100% of slave owners were white, and that too whites were never slaves. This means of course censoring the history of Greece and Romans and an enormous corporeality of history.

More than explanation around the reality of history of slavery and how it diverges from the electric current presentation of slavery.

Overall the interest in the topic of slavery by blacks tends to only extend to data points that can be used to create a fantasy land view of slavery that allows them to state that only whites have ever owned slaves, that nearly 100% of whites historically owned slaves and that the only slaves that matter are black slaves that were sent to white countries.

Nosotros cover this in the article How Making Fake and Selective Claims is Role of a Scam past Black Americans.