
How Long Does Jack Daniels Last

And then there'due south this alone bottle of whiskey sitting in the pantry for as long as you tin can recall. It was probably bought in the `90s and sits in that location since. And sooner or later on, you lot start to wonder: does whiskey become bad?

Or mayhap you have a half-open up bottle left from your birthday political party last year, and you're not sure if it's still any good. It sits in the closet for over half a year already, and then you lot wait that it might not gustatory modality good.

And since you're definitely non a whiskey connoisseur, yous're not quite sure if high-proof liquors become bad or not. You heard they final pretty much forever, merely you'd adopt to know for certain earlier pouring yourself a glass.

Jack Daniel's whiskey in hand

If whatsoever of these wonderings and concerns sound familiar, this article is for you lot. In it, we go through storage, shelf life, and going bad of whiskey. If you remember you could apply additional info about this liquor, read on.

How To Store Whiskey

Storing whiskey is like to storing whatsoever other base liquor, similar vodka or rum. Y'all should keep the bottle in a dark and cool place, away from sunlight and heat source.

While neither of these factors will make the whiskey spoil, they may affect the sense of taste negatively. Thus you lot should avoid heat and ofttimes temperature changes.

When it comes to where exactly should the bottle sit, the pantry or a vino cellar are both perfect choices, but the kitchen works too. A liquor cabinet is another popular option, merely make sure y'all do non keep the canteen on display, where sunlight can accomplish it.

Speaking of wine cellars, make sure you lot go along the whiskey in an upright position, especially if it'southward a corked canteen.

While the horizontal position is great for storing wine, whiskey has much more than booze in it, and the cork won't be happy nearly being submerged in whiskey. Either the cork might disintegrate a flake, or the taste of whiskey volition be afflicted, or both. If it's a bottle with a screw cap, that'due south less of an issue.

Once y'all open the canteen, the most important thing is to seal it tightly each fourth dimension you put it dorsum into storage. And to retain the best quality, use the original cap or cork.

If that'southward not an option, a vino stopper should do the fox, especially if you don't plan on keeping the bottle effectually for more than a few months.


If the bottle is less than half full, and yous don't expect to finish it someday presently, pour the whiskey into a smaller one. This way it'll better retain its quality.

As for where to go along the open bottle, nothing changes. It tin can still sit in the pantry, kitchen, or the cellar.

If y'all prefer to serve whiskey chilled, put it in the fridge in the afternoon, so information technology's ready for the night. Of course, nothing sick will happen if you make up one's mind to go on the canteen in the refrigerator all the time.

How Long Does Whiskey Concluding

The first thing about the shelf life of whiskey that you should know is that whiskey doesn't age in one case bottled. All the crumbling is washed in the casks.

That ways at that place's no bespeak in trying to keep it around for as long equally possible. Information technology won't get better or anything.

In other words, if you bought a bottle of whiskey in the '70s and stored it properly, it should taste almost the aforementioned in 2000 and 2030. I've used the give-and-take nearly, considering fifty-fifty a perfectly sealed canteen, over many years, will let some air inside. And the access to fresh air alters the sense of taste of alcohol.

While some producers put a best-by date on each bottle, that's either a formality or to make the potential buyers trust the product more. Either style, unopened whiskey lasts pretty much indefinitely. As I mentioned before, it might very slightly change its taste over fourth dimension, just information technology won't spoil.

Once you open up the bottle, whiskey is exposed to air, and the process of taste change somewhat accelerates. And at some signal, the shift in sense of taste will be and so pronounced, that yous might detect the bad and decide to throw it out for quality purposes.

Just there's no fashion of telling when exactly will that happen. What's pretty certain is that the more alcohol in the bottle, the slower the taste degradation process.

That means if you accept a fifth of a bottle left and it sits in the pantry for two years, it probably won't taste anywhere near it used to. That's why I recommend pouring the whiskey into a smaller canteen when the original one is less than half total.

Having said all of that about whiskey and air exposure, many people discover that they like the whiskey more after a few days of opening the bottle.

Once yous unscrew the whiskey for the offset time, the alcohol releases some of the volatile compounds and evens out the taste over the next few days. Whatever many people like such whiskey more than than drinking it straight after uncorking or unscrewing for the first time.

Whiskey (unopened) Stays fine indefinitely
Whiskey (opened) one+ years

Delight note that the period for opened whiskey is simply a rough estimate for the best quality.

Jack Daniel's whiskey bottle
Jack Daniel's whiskey canteen

How To Tell If Whiskey Is Bad

Equally I mentioned already a few times, whiskey doesn't really go bad.

But life happens, and so if the bottle is leaky, the cork heavily damaged or moldy, just discard the alcohol. Aforementioned thing if it has developed an odd or funny smell. Please note that chances of either one of these happening are slim to none.

There might be some sediment at the lesser of the bottle. That's quite typical for whiskey that'south not filtered, and it'due south zilch to worry near. It might look weird or somewhat gross, merely that'due south about information technology. Make sure you don't potable those particles though.

If everything about the whiskey seems fine, give it a sip, and decide what to do with it based on the taste. If information technology's good enough to drink, experience complimentary to continue using it. Otherwise, it'southward probably time to let information technology go.


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